The Benefits And Harms Of Delphinium Staphisagria

We will talk about the benefits and harms of Delphinium Staphisagria. It uses as an oil, shampoo, or lotion.

Delphinium Staphisagria is a herbaceous plant that reaches several meters in length and blooms blue-purple flowers. It is also known as hazeran in Turkey. It is found in a fixed and volatile oil layer with a wide variety of alkaloids.

Harms Of Delphinium Staphisagria

When it comes to health, we will first talk about the harms of delphinium staphisagria.  All parts of this plant are highly toxic and should not be ingested in any quantity. This toxicity destroys many parasites such as lice and bacteria in the hair follicles and hair. It should be used very carefully because it contains poison. There is no harm when used correctly.

WARNİNG: Delphinium staphisagria plant is among the banned products because it can cause great harm in unconscious use.

The Benefits Of Delphinium Staphisagria

Of Delphinium Staphisagria

Delphinium Staphisagria is used as a fast hair growth method, as it is used in the care and repair of burned and damaged hair with the benefits it provides to the hair follicles and scalp. Especially, in Mediterranean traditional medicine, seeds of Delphinium species are being used for enhancement of hair and treatment of hair loss since ancient times. 

Fast Hair Growth with Delphinium Staphisagria

It stops hair loss from the first use and also prevents the formation of bacteria and dandruff on the scalp. Accelerating the blood circulation in the scalp, gives shine to the hair and makes it grow very fast. It permanently removes the effects that damage the hair. (perm, gel, hair dye damages, etc.)

Delphinium Staphisagria can be found in 10ml packages and only Delphinium oil, lotion, and shampoo without the hassle of boiling and preparing. It is recommended that you prefer brands that you know the quality of against counterfeit products.

Preparing Delphinium Staphisagria Hair Care Lotion At Home

If you want to prepare Delphinium lotion by yourself at home despite the harms and dangers of using Delphinium seeds, the methods generally used are as follows.

First Method: Vinegar and Delphinium Seeds

Boil some Delphinium seeds with 2 Cups of Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 Cups of water. Let it boil until half of the water has evaporated. After boiling ends, let it cool down and rest for a long time if you can. Then apply it by massaging your scalp. (it is recommended to leave it on your hair for at least 2 hours)

Second Method: Almond Oil, Delphinium Seeds, and Bepanthene

Wash your hair and then boil some delphinium seeds by filling three-quarters of the pot with water until half of the water has evaporated. Then strain the water. Mix the almond oil with the filtered water (add bepanthene if you have it) and apply the mixture to your hair roots. (it is recommended to leave it on your hair for at least 2 hours)

Considerations When Using Delphinium Staphisagria

  • Always use gloves for contact!
  • Do not use or contact if you have open wounds on your skin.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and eye area.
  • Avoid direct contact with your body.
  • Never use the pot in which you boiled the Delphinium Staphisagria for cooking.
  • It can also cause unwanted growth in the hairs and hairs in the places it comes into contact with.

Those Who Use Delphinium Staphisagria Shampoo

You can see the comments of the users of Delphinium Staphisagria shampoo that it provides revitalization in burned and damaged hair, that their hair has a more lively appearance and that their hair grows faster than normal, in the comments section of the Staphisagria Shampoo products you are considering purchasing. They also make comments that it reduces hair loss and strengthens weak hair.

Those Who Use Delphinium Staphisagria Oil

Staphisagria oil can also help you achieve good results on hair if the right product is chosen and the instructions for use are followed. There are positive comments about the rapid growth of hair, gaining vitality, and repair of damaged hair.

You can get better results when you mix apple cider vinegar, almond oil, and olive oil with staphisagria oil.

It is sufficient to apply Staphisagria oil three times a week in the amount of approximately one teaspoon by massaging your scalp. (At least 2 hours should have waited)

Again, as in delphinium staphisagria, rules such as using gloves, and not touching open wounds and eyes are also valid in the use of staphisagria oil.

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