Tea Tree Oil: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree plant (Melaleuca alternifolia), which is native to the northeast coast of Australia. The active ingredients of tea tree kill germs, bacteria, and fungi. It is effectively used in the treatment of acne, pimple, psoriasis, infection, and eczema.

The Chemical Composition of Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree grows in Australia and its fresh leaves are processed to obtain light yellow tea tree oil. Most of the chemical content of tea tree oil is in the terpenoid class and has antiseptic properties. Terpinen-4-ol is very concentrated and can be effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Terpinen-4-ol also helps to support the normal functions of the immune system in the fight against foreign microorganisms by having a regulatory effect on the functions of white blood cells.

Tea Tree Plant

It is possible to see tea tree oil in many medicines or cosmetic products as an alternative treatment method. Shampoo, shower gel, cream, serum, lotion, toothpaste, tonic, and foundation are some examples.

What Are the Benefits of Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil has many benefits. Tea tree oil has been used for centuries for its good antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. According to studies, it can work against candida Albicans fungus that causes problems in the skin, throat, mouth, and genitals. Research on tea tree oil showing anti-viral properties against some viruses is still ongoing.

What Is Tea Tree Oil Used For? What Does It Do?

Tea tree oil is beneficial for eliminating hair, nail, and skin issues as well as for repelling insects.

Tea Tree Oil

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Skin

Tea tree oil gives effective results against the issues of acne and other skin problems. It fights bacteria, reduces inflammation, and regulates sebum production.

Preventing Acne and Pimple

You can eliminate excessive oiliness, sebum formation, and acne problems on your skin with tea tree oil or creams containing tea tree oil. You can choose tea tree-containing foundations, tonics, and facial cleansing gels both when applying makeup and afterward.

Minor Cuts and Injuries

It destroys the bacteria in the wound area in case of injury to your body and prevents the formation of infection and inflammation. After cleaning the wound area thoroughly, tea tree oil can be applied.

Tea tree oil also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds in your body and leaves no traces. With the suppressive effect of tea tree oil on inflammation, the wound healing process performed by white blood cells is accelerated.

Tea Tree Oil for Eczema

Although studies on eczema have shown positive results, the benefits of tea tree oil are still being researched. While watery eczema may also be beneficial, it can cause dermatitis in dry eczema or dry skin.

Tea Tree Oil in Psoriasis

Tea tree oil can help reduce the effects of psoriasis with its strong effect against infection and inflammation.

How to Apply Tea Tree Oil to the Skin

Today, tea tree oil is widely available as a 100% undiluted or pure oil. Products designed for the skin are also available in diluted forms with a strength of 5-50%.

For acne problems, you can drip tea tree oil on a cotton ball and apply it directly to the acne. You can use face creams containing tea tree oil for the whole face, or you can do your routine skin cleaning with tonic and cleansing gels containing tea tree oil.

NOTE: Skin application (use purely on small areas or diluted at 5% for massages)

This option is for oily skin. If you have dry skin, using too much tea tree oil can cause skin irritation. If you have dry and sensitive skin, you may want to consider using coconut oil or calendula oil in addition to tea tree oil.

Tea Tree Oil Against Insects and Flies

You can add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to any bottle. When you spray the mixture you have prepared on your body with the help of spray, you will see that mosquitoes or insects cannot approach. In addition, if you have been bitten by an insect or fly, you can see rapid healing when you apply tea tree oil to that area.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Hair

Tea tree-containing shampoos support hair health without using chemicals, thus helping to restore the natural beauty and shine of the hair.

Tea tree oil is used in the treatment of head lice and scabies.

You Can Get Rid of Dandruff.

Shampoos containing tea tree oil are very effective in fighting dandruff. It can protect hair from becoming dry, and prevent hair and scalp from becoming oily. It removes dead skin residues from the scalp and helps prevent itching and flaking.

If you have an oily scalp, you can use a shampoo containing tea tree oil, or you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the shampoo you use. It can help restore the oil balance on your scalp and prevent the formation of dandruff.

Other Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Oral and Dental Health

Tea tree oil has positive effects on oral and dental health. For problems such as gingivitis, oral wounds, and bad breath, tea tree-containing gels and toothpaste can be preferred.

For quick healing of oral infections, and wounds, or to prevent bacterial growth, you can choose tea tree-containing toothpaste or gargle with tea tree oil-mixed water.

Foot or Nail Fungus

The effect of tea tree oil on foot fungus has been proven. When you apply tea tree-containing creams to foot or nail fungus twice a day, it is seen that the wound and itching caused by the fungus reduce, and eventually the fungus is destroyed.

Side Effects of Tea Tree Oil

You should apply tea tree oil only to the skin, not swallowed. It May cause poisoning if ingested.

Side effects such as allergies, skin irritation, itching, redness, flaking, and dryness can be seen when using tea tree oil.

The effect of tea tree oil on every skin is not the same. It can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation, especially in dry and sensitive skin. Before using tea tree oil, it is recommended that you apply it to a small part of your body to check for possible allergic reactions. If your skin begins to turn red, do not use pine tree oil. In extreme cases, you should go to the emergency room.

If Tea Tree Oil Is Ingested

Drinking tea tree oil; May produce effects such as severe skin rash, Blood cell abnormalities, Abdominal pain, Diarrhea (diarrhea), Vomiting, Nausea, Hallucinations, Confusion, Drowsiness, and Fainting. You should contact the hospital immediately.

Who Cannot Use Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 7 years of age, people with allergies to essential oils, asthmatics, people with long-term use without the advice of an allergist, people with weakened kidneys, people with epilepsy, or people with a history of. Tea tree oil is a cortisone-like essential oil, meaning it has a similar effect on the body as cortisone. Therefore, it is contraindicated in people with cortisone-dependent pathology. Persons receiving medical treatment should consult a healthcare professional before use.

Is Tea Tree Oil Safe to Use on Animals?

Tea tree oil is not recommended for use on animals. Several studies have shown that it can cause tremors and other nervous system problems in pets after use.

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